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A tale of two topics: Allergens and Automation - Alana Srubar-Vernon - Zubi Ltd

A tale of two topics: Allergens and Automation - Alana Srubar-Vernon - Zubi Ltd

Presented by Alana Srubar-Vernon - Director of Business Development - Zubi Ltd

This seminar will cover two topics. Starting with the complex issue of Allergens and how to manage them from ingredients through to statement creation. Additionally demonstrating Zubi's PEAL refinement in automatic Allergen statement creation. The second half of the seminar will look at the benefits of using an automated system for creating new products and label information - i.e Zubi. 

Alana comes from a lecturing and research background in nutritional sciences and has taken the leap to business. Applying scientific discipline to business management, she is no stranger to nutting out the business puzzle to find an appropriate solution.